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Hello! Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet. I’m glad you are here!


My name is Katie, and I live in a small town in Ohio with my husband, our adorable daughter, and a very hyper goldendoodle named Sookie. I'm a blogger, youtuber, teacher, adoptive mom, daydreamer, and chronic night owl. 


I love the simple pleasures in life, like a clean room, a nice mug of hot chocolate, a hilarious meme, or a late night talk with a good friend. 


Here on my blog, I hope to encourage other women find joy and and see the beauty in their ordinary, everyday lives. So often, we rush through life looking from thing to thing, or experience to experience to make us happy. I have found that true, lasting joy only comes from contentment in God and what he has provided. By sharing my honest thoughts and experiences, I seek to remind other women that life doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful, and either do they. 


I named this blog “La Casa de Katie” not only to give you a peek into my house and daily routines, but also to welcome you in as I would welcome a friend into my home. So come on in, pull up a chair, and grab a mug of your favorite warm beverage (mine is hot chocolate)! Mi casa es tu casa :)




Fun facts about me...

1. If I could live anywhere, I'd live in Scotland.


A few summers ago, my husband and I went on our absolute dream trip to Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales (and we were gone for almost an entire month!). We saw so many beautiful places, but I think Scotland was my favorite. Despite all of the rain, I would do anything to live in the fairytale-like Edinburgh or on the windswept hills of the Isle of Skye. *sigh*


2. I used to live overseas


When Nick and I first got married, we moved to the Dominican Republic as missionary teachers. We lived and served there for 3 years before moving back to Ohio right near our college town! It was a very challenging experience for many reasons, but the lessons we learned and the friends we found made it all worth it! (We also learned Spanish...hence the name of my blog!)


3.I love musical theater


I was in my first musical production in the summer before 4th grade, when I played a nun from The Sound of Music in the children's theater in our town. I've been obsessed with theater ever since! I have been in 13 productions over the course of my life, and I always jump at an opportunity to watch live theater! Some of my favorites that I have seen are Les Miserables, Hamilton, and She Loves Me. My best friend and I even have matching opera glasses that we bought so that we could look pretentious together when we go to the theater. (Pronounced "Thee-A-tah" if you really want to be pretentious)


4. I dabble in a lot of creative endeavors


In addition to all of this, I play the ukulele and guitar, sing in my church's worship band, do (amateur) calligraphy, and even occasionally work on a novel I started a couple of years back. (I barely have anything done, but it's fun from time to time). 


5. I love learning about personality types


I know there are people who think personality types are too generalized or they don't really help you get to know yourself, but I disagree...I have found that studying personality types has not only opened my eyes to some of my own tendencies, but also helps me understand and empathize with those around me. I actually have a somewhat uncanny gift to accurately guess people's MBTI or Enneagram Types before they tell me. (And for those of you personality junkies like myself, you might be wondering what my type is...I'm a 4 on the Enneagram and an INFJ on the Myers-Briggs) :)


6. I am a recovering slob


Okay, maybe slob is putting it harshly, but I am NOT one of those bloggers who writes about cleaning and organization from the pedestal of being someone who makes their bed everyday and has a perfectly tidy living room. No, in fact, most of my life I have been the messy one. It does not come naturally to me to keep things tidy. However, I know that I am also someone who does not feel at peace internally if my external environment is a mess. Because of this, I have actually learned to somewhat enjoy cleaning and organizing over the years. 


7. I'm a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of puns


See what I did there? Honestly, though...I am basically a pun machine. My husband often cannot believe how easily my mind comes up with a pun for any situation and conversation I am in. I think it both annoys and impresses him, which works for me ;) He has even made some good ones of his own. He feels most accomplished when I laugh at his puns because he knows that must mean they are very impressive. 




About Me

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