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  • Writer's pictureKatie

He Makes Me Lie Down in Green Pastures

In one way or another, everyone’s lives are being turned upside down right now. For some of us, that means we are suddenly working from home instead of going into an office each day. For others, it means being laid off and trying to figure out how to pay for basic needs like groceries, housing, healthcare, and more. On top of that, we are all very isolated from one another. Most of us only see one to two other people each day, and others maybe no one at all.

For healthcare professionals, delivery drivers, and those who work at restaurants and grocery stores, that means they are working even harder and putting themselves at risk to continue to do their job and serve their communities. (Side note: I cannot thank all of you enough!)

Credit: The Office Memes (Facebook)

Those of us who are able to practice social distancing are coping with it in several different ways. Some are trying to make the most of it and are actually enjoying time at home. We are spending more time with our families, getting household projects done, and getting into hobbies we haven’t had time for in years. Others really miss the company of others and are basically counting down the minutes until we can go out with friends again. Others fight the stress of the situation with humor (let’s just say I’ve seen a lot of high quality memes going around facebook lately). ;)

Despite our different situations, one thing is true for everyone...we are not in control. Sure, we can make good choices to help flatten the curve, but we can’t decide when things will go back to normal. We can’t change the governor’s orders and reinstate life as usual. We can’t just yell “STOP!” and expect the virus to just disappear.

As I was processing through all that is going on in the world, I kept thinking about Psalm 23. This is by far the most popular Psalm, and well-loved by many (for good reason):

In this extended metaphor, we see the comparison between God and a shepherd who is watching over his flock. We are compared to the sheep who he guides. This is a passage that brings comfort to so many; however, there is something that has always struck a chord with me in the phrasing of verse 2. It says, “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” He doesn’t allow me to. He doesn’t give me a choice. He makes me.

This confuses me a bit. I mean, when I think of lying down in green pastures it sounds pretty nice! I imagine laying down in a nice, calm meadow with soft grass, sunshine, and a light breeze. It doesn’t sound like something I would have to be forced to do. And, honestly, I don’t think that’s really the tone that is being portrayed’s much more gentle. There is a feeling that the Shepherd knows what is best, and therefore he makes the sheep lie down (even if they’d rather keep on walking and wearing themselves out). He knows when they need to rest.

For most of us, this virus is slowing things down. We can’t check off tasks on our to-do lists like usual. We can’t go out and distract ourselves (or our kids) with activity after activity. We can’t throw ourselves into work because we can’t even physically go into work.

This can be very difficult to cope with for some people. We are used to our fast paced world where we are “go, go, go” all of the time. If we aren’t busy we don’t know what to do with ourselves.

Personally, having to be at home is not a problem for me. I have been blessed with the fact that my job can be done remotely, and it just means I get more time at home with my husband and some ways that part has been a dream come true! However, I am someone who loves to plan the future. It brings me a lot of joy to plan out future events with friends, visits with family, vacations, etc. Planning these things not only brings me joy, but sometimes gives me a sense of peace...a sense of control over my life.

Right now, the virus has halted all of my plans. I can’t even plan something for next week let alone a month down the road (which I love to do!). I have no control over this...none of us do.

Psalm 23
(Actual footage of me as a know-it-all sheep)

In all honesty, if I were a sheep, I think I’d be the one always trying to get to the front of the flock to see where we are headed next. I would be trying to guess which path we were going down and getting my hopes up for where we were headed next. I’d probably even try to urge the shepherd to go the way I think is best. I can just imagine the Shepherd reminding me that he knows where we are going and that I just need to follow him.

While this pandemic doesn’t really match what I imagine “green pastures” in Psalm 23 to look like, I do see a parallel between this verse and what is going on in the world right now. We have to stay home and wait. We have to rest. In many ways, this is our green pasture. God is saying, “slow down.” This isn’t what we planned or imagined...and definitely not what we hoped for. Some of us want to fight back and keep pushing. We want to be in control and keep living life how we want to, but God is asking us to (or should I say making us) lie down.

God is our Shepherd. He knows best, even when we think we have a better plan. If anything, this time is a great reminder that we are not in control...only God is.

As you are lying down in your green pasture (whatever that looks like for you), try to find the blessings. Is God growing your patience? Is he giving you time to bond with family members you often don’t feel you have time for? Is he helping you learn to rely on Him rather than yourself?

He knows what you Him when everything feels uncertain!



PS: Enjoy Jon Foreman's song version of Psalm 23 below :)

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